How this agency's tech stack helped it grow 127% in 5 years

Jonty Shepheard

By Jonty Shepheard

05 April 2024

Umega is an award-winning letting agency based in Edinburgh that has experienced huge organic growth in recent years. In just 5 years, it has grown from managing around 900 properties to over 2,200 properties. The major contributors to their success? We sat down with Umega’s Lettings Director, Simon Douglas, to find out exactly what it is they’re doing right.



The software advantage

"The software that we use and the power that software gives us in terms of technical abilities are massive," says Simon. When asked what one thing really helped drive their growth journey, he pointed to how Umega’s software creates an enjoyable experience and efficient processes for their agents.

At the core of Umega's tech stack is a powerful CRM system, SME Professional. SME Professional’s 100+ integrations mean there were no barriers to integrating with Umega’s repairs and maintenance software, Fixflo. 

"the software integration makes it an enjoyable user experience. It’s so easy to use and navigate that our agents like using it for everything."

Simon Douglas, Lettings Director,


Umega uses Fixflo extensively and ensures all staff are trained through the Fixflo Academy. This allows them to easily handle seasonal spikes in issues and reallocate work using features like due dates and organisational tools.

Looking ahead, the letting agency plans to continue leveraging great software to scale efficiently. "Creating really efficient processes with great software is a great way to start growing, even as a small agency," Simon advised. "The scalability allows you to go from just a few properties to thousands."


Prioritising people

But technology is only part of Umega's winning formula. They also attribute their standout team and customer-centric approach as critical elements propelling their rapid expansion. "We work in a people business, not a property business. It's so essential that we prioritise the wellbeing of our clients and of our workforce," Simon stated.

When it comes to hiring, Umega looks beyond just skills to find people who are the right fit for their positive team culture. And it doesn’t stop there: as Simon put it, "Once we get them through the door, the onus is on us to give them a good working environment, to make them feel valued and trusted. If we can do that consistently and sustainably, we can create a really great team."


Customer-focused operations

Umega has deeply embedded customer focus into their operations as well. There are no non-customer-facing roles, and even the directors regularly speak to customers to guide decision-making. Simon reflected, "There were a few months where we were not being led by the customers and not asking the question of 'what does the customer actually need?' We quickly discovered just how necessary it was when we started to lose the momentum we’d gained."

Umega understands that fostering good relationships with contractors is essential for providing quality service to their clients. The staff take a welcoming, respectful approach when contractors come into their office, treating their tradespeople like valued members of the staff.

This positive treatment of contractors pays dividends when it comes to managing increased workloads during busy seasons. Because Umega can accurately predict when issue reports will spike based on seasonal patterns, they are able to proactively reallocate work to the right team members in advance.

The whole package

With its powerful tech stack, exceptional team, and customer-centric mentality, Umega has managed to grow 127% in just 5 years while keeping tenants, landlords, and employees happy. For agencies looking to follow in their footsteps, prioritising the right property management software, such as taking advantage of Fixflo’s integration with SME Professional, can be a critical first step.

Turn on your SME Professional and Fixflo integration today to streamline your operations and lay the foundation for scalable growth. Find out how you can set yours up here or contact for guidance.

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Jonty Shepheard

On the rare occasion Jonty isn't at her keyboard, she can be found making coffee, reading fantasy or road-tripping – ideally some combination of all three.

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Jonty Shepheard

By Jonty Shepheard

05 April 2024

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