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Repairs & maintenance jobs for tradespeople
Where tradespeople get the freedom they deserve.
Are you tired of bidding against other contractors for jobs? Sick of wasting time and losing money just to beat out the competition? Then Contractor Marketplace is the partner for you.
Our tradespeople have access to thousands of real jobs each month. No subscription fee, no bidding, just real jobs at the rate you choose.

Trusted by


Total flexibility. No additional costs. We put the power back in the hands of tradespeople.
As part of our Contractor Marketplace, you'll be the first to know when and where jobs are available across the UK. That’s thousands of real jobs each month. What’s more, we offer you total control over the way you work. There’s no bidding system, so you won’t ever find yourself spending time or money trying to win jobs.
Fixflo is the UK’s market-leading repairs and maintenance software. Our customers are looking for skilled, reliable contractors like you to handle their maintenance jobs. It’s a win-win-win!
Earn more on your own terms
With Contractor Marketplace, you choose what you earn. Use marketplace jobs to fill spare capacity and boost earnings for you and your team.
Build new connections with over 40% of UK letting agents
Cut out unnecessary and unfair admin. We offer genuine job opportunities, not just leads, so our tradespeople don’t waste time pitching for quotes that don’t deliver.
Say goodbye to pitching and bidding
Fixflo doesn't operate on a bidding system, meaning you no longer have to waste your time pitching for jobs that don't deliver.
Jobs come to you first
All jobs are exclusive to Fixflo’s Contractor Marketplace. That’s thousands of repairs & maintenance jobs available exclusively for marketplace contractors.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed accumsan nulla cursus nunc lobortis tempus.
This is a title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed accumsan nulla cursus nunc lobortis tempus.
Take control with the Fixflo Contractor app
No more lost receipts, missed calls, or endless scrolling through emails. With Fixflo’s contractor app, you can manage jobs, provide invoices and get quotes all in one place. Download now.

No. We won’t ask you to bid against other contractors for jobs.
All payment terms with customers are 30 days or less. Many customers use Direct Debit for payment, which makes things super easy for you.