3 Useful Fixflo Features For Summer Holidays

Gemma Nettle

By Gemma Nettle

28 June 2024

Preparing for annual leave can often feel like it takes longer than the time off itself, and taking care of all the admin associated with time away makes for laborious work. With the summer holidays fast approaching, learning how to maximise Fixflo's potential to help with this is paramount. 

Understanding why automating tasks with Co-pilot, re-assigning issues, and configuring dashboard panels can help property managers can help with this. 

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Using Fixflo's automated works assistant, Co-pilot, you can set up parameters to say that when X happens, Fixflo should automate Y.

Benefits_Co-pilot rules

It is designed to save property managers time by auto-assigning works to contractors and keep contractors protected out-of-hours by automating emergency works during these times. It will also notify users, such as landlords or occupiers, about issues. 

Within Co-pilot, users can add and label a rule. They can specify the parameters they wish to set, such as the type of issue, like being locked out, and when and to whom to instruct the problem. 

Property managers can be as particular as they like with this and set up filters which specify what needs to happen for it to trigger a response. For example, users can choose a specific time period, fault priority, and time. Users can add an action, too, which could notify the occupier, agent, landlord, leaseholder or all occupiers and add a message. 

A rule can also be added that asks the occupier if the issue is an emergency. This will appear as a pop-up on their side before finally submitting their problem. They can either select that it needs to be resolved within 24 hours or the next working day.

Find out how Co-pilot is helping Tay Letting enhance its automation. 


Tagging and re-assigning issues

Going on annual leave usually involves transferring the workload to colleagues, which takes time and effort. Fixflo can remove the slog and make it a much simpler process. 


Users can tag issues they are responsible for with their names as they come in. In 'reported issues to do', there is a button labelled 'add tag', where names would be input. This information can only be viewed by agents. Tags are particularly useful in showing major works or any issues the user wishes to group. 

Issues can be re-assigned, meaning when someone goes on annual leave, they can ensure a colleague is left responsible for their issues while they are out of the office. 

To do this, within their profile, users can select 'issue allocations', 'open issues', 'options', and 'bulk re-assign issues'. Transferring issues to a colleague should be simple, and when returning from annual leave, issues should be grouped for ease of visibility and can be bulk transferred back.

Already a customer and want to be taken through these features step-by-step?

Fixflo Academy is the easiest way to become a Fixflo expert, with 19 short courses available for free. 

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Fixflo dashboard

The dashboard provides users with full visibility of everything on their Fixflo site. If set up correctly, it also helps guarantee no issue is missed and improves team processes. 


Filtering and configuring dashboard panels ensures nothing slips through the cracks. Select the 'issues requiring attention' panel and 'configure' to do this. From there, users can choose how they wish to view the information. This includes how it is grouped, such as the creation date, assigned team, issue status, or priority, and how it can be presented, such as with bar charts, pie charts, and lists. 

Gemma Nettle

When Gemma is not writing at work, her main hobby is writing at home. Entertainment is her bag, lapping up every new film and TV series with ferocity. She is always on the lookout for a new pastime, having experimented with dance, baking and bass guitar.

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This article is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you have any questions related to issues in this article, we strongly advise contacting a legal professional.
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Gemma Nettle

By Gemma Nettle

28 June 2024

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