Add a Fixflo button to your website

While providing a link to your Fixflo system in your website’s menu is a great way to let tenants know where to report maintenance issues, an eye-catching button is also a great way to stand out.

We’ve designed a variety of buttons that you’re free to use. All you have to do is copy the code below, adding in your Fixflo account username where required (where you see [custom domain] in the code).

Button 1


<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag -->
<link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section -->
<a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button1"></a>


Button 2


<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag -->
<link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section -->
<a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button2"></a>


Button 3

<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag --> <link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section --> <a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button3"></a>

Button 4

<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag --> <link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section --> <a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button3"></a>

Button 5

<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag --> <link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section --> <a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button5"></a>

Button 6

<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag --> <link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section --> <a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button6"></a>

Button 7

<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag --> <link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section --> <a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button7"></a>

Button 8

<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag -->
<link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section -->
<a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button8"></a>

Button 9

<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag -->
<link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section -->
<a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button9"></a>

Button 10

<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag -->
<link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section -->
<a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button10"></a>

Button 11

<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag -->
<link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section -->
<a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button11"></a>

Button 12


<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag -->
<link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section -->
<a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button12"></a>

Button 13


<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag -->
<link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section -->
<a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button13"></a>

Button 14


<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag -->
<link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section -->
<a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button14"></a>

Button 15


<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag -->
<link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section -->
<a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button15"></a>

Button 16


<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag -->
<link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section -->
<a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button16"></a>

Button 17


<!-- Add the following to the <head> ... </head> tag -->
<link href="//[custom domain]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<!-- This is your link to include in the <body> ... </body> section -->
<a href="//[custom domain]" class="fixflo-button17"></a>